Barfi!” is an Indian romantic comedy-drama film released in 2012, directed by Anurag Basu. Set in the 1970s, the film is a heartwarming story that revolves around three characters: Barfi, played by Ranbir Kapoor; Shruti, portrayed by Ileana D’Cruz; and Jhilmil, played by Priyanka Chopra. The narrative elegantly captures the nuances of love and life through the interactions between these characters, each dealing with their own complexities and societal expectations.
Barfi Movie Overview
Release Year
Anurag Basu
Romantic Comedy-Drama
– Ranbir Kapoor as Barfi, Priyanka Chopra as Jhilmil , Ileana D’Cruz as Shruti
1970s, India
Plot Summary
The film explores the life of Barfi, a deaf and mute man from Darjeeling, and his complex relationships with two women, Shruti and Jhilmil, who is autistic. Despite his disabilities, Barfi is a vibrant and mischievous character, leading a joyful and adventurous life.
Love, sacrifice, the joys and challenges of living with disabilities
Numerous Indian film awards, including nominations for Best Film and Best Actor at various award ceremonies. It was also India’s official entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the Oscars.
Barfi Movie Songs
ong Name
“Ala Barfi!”
Mohit Chauhan
“Main Kya Karoon”
Nikhil Paul George
Papon, Sunidhi Chauhan
“Phir Le Aya Dil” (Reprise)
Arijit Singh
Shreya Ghoshal, Nikhil Paul George
“Saawali Si Raat”
Arijit Singh
Barfi Movie Actors and Actresses
Actor/Actress Names
Ranbir Kapoor
Murphy “Barfi” Johnson
Priyanka Chopra
Jhilmil Chatterjee
Ileana D’Cruz
Shruti Ghosh
Short Story:
Barfi!” is a poignant tale set in the 1970s, chronicling the life of a charming young man named Barfi, played by Ranbir Kapoor, who is deaf and mute. Living in the picturesque town of Darjeeling, Barfi’s joyful and mischievous nature endears him to everyone around him despite his disabilities. His life takes a turn when he falls in love with Shruti, portrayed by Ileana D’Cruz, who is torn between her affection for Barfi and societal expectations. Meanwhile, Barfi develops a deep and complex bond with Jhilmil, an autistic woman played by Priyanka Chopra, leading to a compelling and bittersweet narrative of love, loss, and life’s unexpected challenges. Through its beautifully crafted scenes, the film explores themes of love’s resilience and the joy of living life to the fullest, irrespective of the hurdles one may face.