Chhota Bheem and the Return of Dragar” is a thrilling 2023 addition to the beloved Indian animated franchise centered around the adventures of Chhota Bheem, a courageous and immensely strong young boy. In this exciting installment, Bheem and his friends face a new challenge as the ancient villain Dragar returns to seek revenge. The film is set in the mythical land of Dholakpur, where Bheem must use his wit, strength, and the power of teamwork to thwart Dragar’s sinister plans. With its vibrant animation, engaging storyline, and a blend of humor and action, this movie continues to captivate the hearts of young audiences and families, delivering messages about bravery, friendship, and resilience.
Chhota Bheem and The Return of Dragar
Release Year
Animation, Adventure, Children’s Film
Rajiv Chilaka
Voices of Sonal Kaushal, Rajesh Kava, Julie Tejwani, and others
Plot Summary
In this thrilling sequel, Chhota Bheem faces off against the evil sorcerer Dragar who returns to seek revenge. Dragar threatens to unleash chaos on Dholakpur by capturing Princess Indumati, propelling Bheem and his friends on an epic quest to rescue her. The journey tests their bravery and friendship as they encounter new allies, magical obstacles, and exciting challenges. The film combines humor, action, and heart, appealing to a young audience while delivering messages about courage and teamwork.
Key Themes
Bravery, Friendship, Good vs. Evil, Adventure
Visual Style
Vibrant animation with colorful, dynamic scenes to captivate children and convey the story’s magical elements.
Critical Reception
Generally positive reviews for its engaging storytelling and appealing animation, especially praised by its young target audience.
Music Composer
Bheem’s Adventure
Sunidhi Chauhan
Sunil Kaushik
Dragar’s Spell
Sunil Kaushik
Masti Time
Shaan, Palak Muchhal
Sunil Kaushik
Hero Bheem
Sunil Kaushik
Voice Actor
Sonal Kaushal
Chhota Bheem
Rajesh Kava
Julie Tejwani
Sabina Malik
Jigna Bhardwaj
Rupa Bhimani
Dholu and Bholu
Short story
Chhota Bheem and the Return of Dragar” (2023) is an animated adventure that sees the beloved hero, Chhota Bheem, facing off against a new formidable foe, Dragar, a mythical dragon who has returned to seek revenge on Dholakpur. As Dragar unleashes chaos and destruction, Bheem and his friends rally together to protect their village. The story highlights themes of bravery, teamwork, and the power of friendship as Bheem discovers new strengths and strategies to counter the dragon’s magical powers. With its vibrant animation and heartfelt moments, the film not only captivates the young audience but also teaches valuable lessons about courage and unity in the face of adversity.